Daria Smyth (M.Ost) GOsC Registered 10884

Daria, originally from Poland, moved to Northern Ireland in November 2022. She qualified as an Osteopath (M.Ost) in 2021 from University College of Osteopathy, London. 

Daria trained as a Sports Massage Therapist (SMT) at Dublin Holistic College in 2013 - 2014. She continued her massage training at the London School of Massage in 2015 where she also qualified in pregnancy massage. Daria has experience working with performing arts students and worked for 7 years at Urdang Academy in London.

It's clear to Daria that stress plays an important role in many issues faced by patients. That's why the relaxation component of the hands-on treatment is a significant part of her approach. She believes that movement is medicine and aims to empower people with some exercise recommendations.